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Our Team
Eden Durbin - Canvassing​​ & Events
Olivia Bartlett - Vote Forward Letters
Lennie Magida - Communications
Barbara Noveau - Messaging & Events
Betsy Ranslow - Treasurer & Postcarding
Julie Reiley - Events & Canvassing
Gwen Stewart - Postcarding
A Message From Executive Director Eden Durbin:
When we formed DoTheMostGood in December 2016, we had one focus: to help ensure that our country survived the presidency of Donald Trump and that he served only one term. We achieved our goal – thanks to our many fantastic volunteers. Since 2016, we broadened our scope, diving into the work of electing progressive candidates in swing states across the country and preserving our Democracy. We focus on postcards, letters, phone banking, knocking doors, and community-building opportunities.
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